The Best Thing You'll Ever Unwrap

Gourmet lollipops tickle the tastebuds, stimulate salivary glands, and expand your mind about what confections can be. With our pops, transcendentally tasty flavors are always a wrapper away!

Start Sucking

Stick With These Favorites

Flavor Sensations for Every Occasion

You shouldn’t leave home without a pocket full of pops, but special events need certain kinds of spice. Check out our party page for suggested pairings!

Throw A Cool Party For Once
Dinner Parties
Wild Parties
Lollipops for Weddings
Lollipops for Dinner Parties
Lollipops for Wild Parties

Stop, pop, and roll in it.

Sell Lollyphile wholesale.

Want a taste of the lollipop action? Want to feature Lollyphile goodness in your store? Ask us about wholesale! We can get you a good deal (we know the owner).